Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Let the adventure resume!

 I started this blog 7 years ago. So many adventures have happend since I stopped writing. It is time to write again.

I am now living in St. Louis, MO with my husband Dan. We love the city, the new region of the country, the new experiences, but are still adjusting to the sticky humidity. I don't think I will ever fully adapt to that aspect of the climate.

Reflecting on early blog entries, I can see how perfect it is that my writing so carefully documented the early magic that has lead to the sweetness of my current life. My soul was so powerfully called to the desert. I thought it was because I was going to find my tribe. The common listeners of a radio show.

I did meet those people, many who are dear to me to this day. However even that first trip had hints of the powerful circle of women that was being pulled together. My favorite day of the conference was actually a day when many of us left the conference, and sat around a table in the shade and connected, as women. It filled my soul and I wanted more. So I nurtured relationships. 

I met Rita at that first conference. Our friendship has grown with the blessing of time, and many shared experiences. It also lead to rich friendships with Lisa and then Lucinda. They are two other amazing women Rita drew in. Today I consider these three women to be the sisters I always wanted. We have all loved each other through so much of life, unconditionally and honestly.  They are each amazing women in their own ways, and I am honored to have them as my council in life. They are the ones I can ugly cry with and be empowered by, sometimes in the very same garage conversation.

Today we are all about to roll deep into individual projects that can all connect in a fascinating Venn Diagram of interests. Rita recently returned to her homeland of Armenia, and is launching into some deep exploration and sharing of the ancient and present day magic of that land. Lisa is working far too many hours as she heads towards retirement, but dazzles us with her love, positivity and crystal wisdom whenever she can. Lucinda is everywhere, but most recently returned from a week on Pine Ridge, collecting oral accounts of Bigfoot encounters. More about what I am diving into in a later blog entry.

Just know that collectively, we are working on so many fascinating things that it only made sense to share those things together. Rita was the mastermind behind The Human Factor X , a digital media company through which we can collaborate and support each other on our important and fascinating projects, and work on future shared projects we have been dreaming up. Stay tuned, it is going to be AMAZING! 

I am proud to say that I am still adventuring despite my body really preferring a recliner! I have acquied really validating additional diagnosis of significant back problems, with multiple points of osteoarthritis, bulging disks and nerve impingement. I am currently undergoing nerve block injections every other week, and I am experiencing a significant reduction in some aspects of my pain, which feels miraculous. I continue to adventure through research from my recliner when I need to, but also have a lot more confidence in getting out by myself now. I have mastered the art of car-camping, and can comfortably do multi-day solo adventures with little concern now. Most of those adventures have really been back to Colorado to see family, but I am looking forward to more adventures in the Midwest to learn more about my latest deep dive.

Stay tuned here for more on THAT! I hope to make you question your understanding of history, and ponder what messages the ancient people might want us to hear them whispering to us today.

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Nevertheless, there was a health journey.

       This blog began as a way to document the ways I continued to have adventures in spite of my chronic health issues. For quite a few ye...